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About Us

Our Story

Small businesses, big hearts. We’re on a mission to help you live your dreams.

Hi! I’m Chloe Dean, founder of Columbine Digital.
I’ve been an entrepreneur since 2013, when I started my own one-woman massage therapy clinic with ZERO formal business or marketing education.

I was operating on a shoe-string budget, and had to wear ALL the hats myself. I taught myself everything I could learn about sales and marketing, from creating a web presence, to networking, to sales funnels, to ad campaigns.
And while I LOVED improving the lives of my clients one massage at a time, I knew in my heart there had to be a way to help improve more lives than just the 20 people I saw each week.

If I could help other small businesses not just survive, but THRIVE, then the number of happy, healthy people in the world would go up 100-fold.

That’s where you come in. You, dear business owner, have a purpose. A mission. You want to to live a life of freedom, you want to spend time with your family, you want to HELP your customers’ lives! But you can’t do it alone.

Let’s get you that business of your dreams, together.